Electro-hydraulic actuation delivers the solution for Remote Operated Shut-off Valves
- 行业:油气 - 下游
- Category:Fluid Power Actuators
- 产品:Pro Generation EH,第三代SI
在IOCL斋浦尔终端发生意外火灾之后,印度MB LAL委员会建议采取的安全措施的广泛审查导致引入了关键的坦克农场紧急关闭(ESD)应用程序的电湿度故障安全执行器。这些阀门被称为罗索夫(Rosov)(远程操作的关闭阀),现在在印度石油行业拥有的大多数存储设施中提供了储罐防填充保护。
The application required the valves to be electrically operated, spring-return failsafe with SIL2 functional safety and certification for use in hazardous areas. During the two-year specification writing period, Rotork worked closely with the three main oil companies in India, providing live product presentations, technical advice and performance reports, leading to the selection of Rotork Skilmatic electro-hydraulic actuators operating triple-offset butterfly valves as the standard for the critical ROSOV application.
The Jaipur accident has similarities with the Buncefield fuel depot fire in 2005, since when much has been done to ensure that such a catastrophic accident should not happen again. In the UK, the Competent Authority/Industry Standards Task Group (COMAH) has led the way for safeguards to be put in place by the industry to provide additional safety and environmental protection at tank farms. Endorsing the recommendations of the Buncefield Standards Task Group, a key feature of these safeguards is the installation of ROSOV valves with failsafe actuation for ESD duties.
The majority of ROSOV valves are situated on the inlet and outlet ports of the fuel storage tanks and are designed to isolate individual tanks in the event of a potential emergency. The predominant tank farm actuation technology is electric, which suits the very spacious environments which typify these sites. Within such environments it would be very expensive to install a pneumatic ring main, whilst an electrical source for control and indication is traditionally available on these installations. It therefore makes economic and practical sense to use electricity to power the ROSOV actuators as well.
必须进行专门的电动执行器设计,以实现ESD职责要求的Swift FailSafe操作。经验表明,这可以通过电湿道路线成功实现。电湿劳力执行器使用简单且非常可靠的机械弹簧来提供故障安全阀的运动,同时通过积分电动泵液压实现了相反方向的精确和迅速的阀门运动。通过这种设计,可靠的故障安全性能可以与最新的电动驱动技术的好处相结合,促进了高水平的资产管理,包括准确的控制,监视和警报信号传导,操作数据记录和诊断。通过采用全电动解决方案为整体工厂控制系统,可以简化资本和维护成本。
Around the world the electro-hydraulic solution for critical ROSOV applications is being provided by Rotork Skilmatic actuators. In addition to tank farms, areas of application include the isolation of sections of pipelines between pumping stations and the protection of remotely sited natural gas wells. Combining all-electric simplicity with the precision of hydraulic actuation, standard Skilmatic features include non-intrusive setting, performance monitoring and configurable data logging of valve and process data for analysis, preventative maintenance and asset management. The actuators operate on a pump and bleed principle utilising a motorised vane pump to provide hydraulic pressure in one direction and spring-return in the opposite (bleed) direction.
When the actuator is commanded to open from the closed limit, the bleed solenoid valves are energised. The motorised vane pump is started under no-load condition as a result of the delay in energising the by-pass solenoid valve. With the by-pass solenoid energised, the system pressure acts against a spring opposed piston to drive the actuator in the open direction. When the actuator is commanded to stop or reaches the open limit, the by-pass solenoid valve is de-energised, followed by the motorised vane pump after a preset time unless a new command is given. The bleed solenoid valves remain energised and the system pressure is maintained to hold the actuator position.
There is also an option to add a second ESD circuit with the following functionality. Two independent ESD signals operating the same solenoid valves; if either ESD signal is removed the actuator will perform the safety function by using the same final elements. Two independent ESD signals operating independent solenoid valves; if either ESD signal is removed the actuator will perform the safety function by using different final elements.
溜冰者 - 新事态发展
高摩托车范围可用于三相,单相或直流电源供应,可提供一系列旋转扭矩或线性推力输出,这些输出几乎适用于任何尺寸和设计的阀门。通过引入第三代SI3范围,该范围的高级控制和监视功能已进一步开发,并结合了经过验证的Rotork IQ3智能电动执行器技术*。响应最终用户希望在现场和控制室中访问更多相关数据的愿望,可以提高通信和数据记录功能。
来自执行器的数据可以通过Rotork Insight2软件传输到PC进行存储和分析。为适合该应用程序提供自定义的灵活性,可以将执行器集成到大多数数字总线控制系统中,包括PAKSCAN™,FoundationFieldBus®,Devicenet®,Profibus®,ModBus®和Hart®。
为SIL2(1OO1)和SIL3(1OO2)用于安全关键应用的功能安全应用设计,该执行器还提供了增强的部分中风测试(PST),使阀门可以在不影响过程的情况下进行测试。PST使用硬件或FieldBus Communications在本地使用设置工具或从控制室进行远程执行,然后通过测量移动到设定位置的同时监视压力的时间来测试所有最终元素(执行器和阀门)。PST结果由Integral Datalogger记录,显示在显示屏幕上,并且可以选择地指示。
*Rotork IQ3 intelligent valve actuators are designed for isolating, regulating and modulating duties on multi-turn and part-turn valves.
- 客户:Application in Indian oil companies
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