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IQ3套装的推出,终生管理是Rotork的创新服务和维护计划,从而增强了与1960年代的向后兼容性。终身管理可以帮助您管理与老化资产相关的风险。它包括分层维护选项,升级服务,计划的关闭支持和生命周期服务。IQ3集提供的向后兼容性适用于具有非整体启动器(称为“ Syncroset”)的网站上的旧式执行器。这种向后兼容的兼容性是我们与客户合作了解其资产的全部生命周期的承诺的一部分。IQ3设置的功能促进了过时的管理和未来的植物,而不会影响植物基础设施。它是旧产品(延伸到旋转A-range执行器)和对最新致动技术的投资之间的桥梁。它与现有的站点电缆和控制系统兼容,因此不需要新的电缆和相关成本。升级期间的停机时间很少。

Ageing plant infrastructure and equipment plays an important role in the consideration of risk management, proving increasingly difficult to maintain as parts become obsolete, or difficult and expensive to source. To ensure continued operation and effective performance, site operators may need to consider updating technology to future-proof their sites. Customers can manage obsolescence concerns by replacing legacy actuators with the latest intelligent actuator platform by installing IQ3 SET. Proactive engagement in future-proofing your site, understanding the importance of obsolescence management and managing the life-cycle stage of assets will result in budget predictability, improved performance and reduced downtime. The IQ3 SET option works with and supports the features of older versions, with seamless integration into existing plant architecture and no need to change existing cables or control systems.

Rotork understands the importance of supporting the continuing high performance of legacy products and the value in making upgrades or changes simple, convenient and economical. IQ3 SET allows access to the many benefits an IQ3 brings to modern plant and network design, operation and maintenance, ensures continuous reliability, connectivity and performance, and offers advanced IQ3 functionality. Inserting IQ3 technology into a legacy system also brings the benefits of improved connectivity and service support through the wider Lifetime Management programme.
